Head of Customer Service Department / Head of Call Center / Director of Customer Service / Client Se

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Москва, м. Молодежная

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График работы

Полный рабочий день




Опыт работы

12 лет 6 месяцев






39 лет   (12 июля 1985)

Опыт работы

Период работы

апрель 2020 — по настоящее время   (4 года 10 месяцев)


Head of Customer Support Department


A bank in the TOP 10 in Russia


Head of Customer Support Department

- Management and organization of effective work of the customer service (two support lines);

- Strategic planning and operational management of the division, based on the company"s business goals;

- Formation and management of a team of 50 specialists;

- Forming a team. Recruitment and training of employees, introduction to the profession;

- Distribution of areas of responsibility. Monitoring the timing and quality of tasks;

- Control and distribution of the load of operators, taking into account the processes and tasks set;

- Testing the quality of knowledge, quality control of service, etc.;

- Organization of support for managers of the premium network and clients of the Prime segment for brokerage services;

- Monitoring and ensuring the implementation of the call center performance targets and developing measures to improve the achievement of these indicators (Lost call rate, Average speed answer, etc.);

- Participation in the development and implementation of projects to optimize and automate work processes aimed at reducing employee labor costs;

- Organization of customer support through alternative services (IVR, FAQ, chat bot). Implementation of the section with frequent customer questions on the company"s website;

- Control of accounts receivable. Development and implementation of measures to collect accounts receivable (training of employees, prompt reporting of information, writing of technical specifications for the completion of the program, reduction of manual labor of employees, etc.);

- Interaction with the customer service department on working issues (customer requests to social networks, etc.).social networks, employee training, interaction with managers of Prime segment clients);

- Preparing and conducting customer service training for employees, including related departments (remote, face-to-face, personal);

- Training of employees from related departments. Transfer of the product knowledge base;

- Participation in the development of measures to improve the client"s path when using the brokerage service;

- Development of analytical reports on the implementation of call center performance indicators;

- Analysis of reports in order to identify problem areas and further eliminate them (transfer rate, CSI, etc.);

- Solving complex and problematic issues (remoted channels of services, shortage of employees, increasing of number of client calls, etc.).


- Reducing time-consuming customer service processes by 30%;

- Increasing of the number of new accounts by 15% due to the work of operators (improvement of Customer journey map (CJM) of opening an brokerage account - in the process of automation);

- Providing high-quality customer service in conditions of resource scarcity, which ensured a 3-fold increase in the customer base;

- Implementation of the project on the transfer of topics to the first line so transfer rate reduced from 75 to 50%;

- Implementation of a project to automate the document flow for clients, which significantly reduced the time for data processing;

- Participation in the successful implementation of the following projects:

- software modernization project. Writing technical specifications for IT specialists to finalize the program. Testing the program to identify errors and fix them. The implementation of the project will transfer rate, make it easier for employees to resolve client issues;

- a project to implement the "Help" section on the company"s website (a section with frequent customer questions). Creating the section content;

- a project for organizing the work of a proactive customer service. Preparation and approval of content for client mailings (3-4 per week). Formation of requirements for unloading and informing customers (tax period, seasonality, etc.);

- a project to automate analytical reporting on the performance of indicators. Development and implementation of analytical reports on the implementatio

Период работы

февраль 2019 — март 2020   (1 год 2 месяца)


Head of the Department of Client Managers (Maternity rate)


A bank in the TOP 10 in Russia


- Organization of the incoming call center for brokerage services;

- Calculation of the required number of call center operators to meet the targets;

- Planning the number of employees for the year, taking into account the company"s business goals;

- Selection and management of a team of 20 employees;

- Setting tasks, monitoring the timing and quality of their implementation (customer service/partners, companies);

- Control and load distribution of operators;

- Adaptation, training, continuous testing of operators " knowledge;

- Development and implementation of product knowledge quality tests;

- Monitoring and ensuring the achievement of the call center performance targets;

- Control over the implementation of the target indicators by employees (Average speed answer, average handline time, call collection of receivables, etc.);

- Systematization of the processes and structure of the call center (incoming calls, mail processing, preparation of documents for customers, etc.). Synchronization job of the first and second lines;

- Audit and analysis of the call center processes in order to identify problem areas for their further elimination;

- Control and collection of accounts receivable;

- Interaction with the Director of Quality Control on employee training issues.


- Meeting call center performance targets (ASA- till 20 seconds, LCR- till 5%);

- Development of an automated dynamic reporting system for evaluating the work of a call center;

- Achieving the collection of accounts receivable about 40%.

- Implementation of a project to automate and optimize the processes of the call center. Development and implementation of new work tools, which reduced the time for data processing;

- Formation and implementation of the knowledge base. Preparation of materials for employee training (information and video materials, distance courses, etc.);

- Participation in the implementation of the project on the implementation of standards and quality control systems for customer service, knowledge of products;

- Conducting individual coaching sessions and employee training to improve the quality of work.

Период работы

июнь 2017 — январь 2019   (1 год 8 месяцев)


Agency Director, Project work


Project work


Agency Director

- Creating and expanding the customer database;

- Advising clients on the company"s products (life insurance, risk programs);

- Conducting personal meetings and telephone conversations;

- Identification of needs, working out objections;

- Analysis and optimization of sales scripts;

- Development of effective sales scripts;

- Conducting financial planning for clients;

- Maintaining and updating the customer base.


- Meeting product targets.

Project work

- Training clients to work in Microsoft Excel (functions, formulas);

- Building training processes for individuals and legal entities, working with individual requests;

- Search for clients, maintain and expand the client base;

- Consultation, identification of needs;

- Development and implementation of training courses;

- Create a YouTube channel and content (video);

- Writing programs in Microsoft Excel for clients.

Период работы

февраль 2013 — май 2017   (4 года 4 месяца)


Head of Remote Sales and Customer Service (B2C)


A bank in the TOP 10 in Russia


Head of Remote Sales and Customer Service (B2C)

- Managing a team of 8 specialists;

- Transform the operation of an existing call center;

- Employee training, mentoring;

- Development, implementation and monitoring of compliance by the department"s employees with customer service quality standards (high level service);

- Writing service and sales scripts for call center employees;

- Analysis of the work of the department, identification of problematic aspects in the client service;

- Optimization of business processes to improve the quality of customer service;

- Formation of newsletters to the Bank"s network;

- Analytics of the client database (more than 10 thousand clients). Forming groups of clients according to the specified criteria and building further work with them;

- Active work on retaining and returning departed customers;

- Development of individual offers to retain large customers;

- Claim work;

- Personal work to prevent customer complaints;

- Development of methodological documents for interaction with other divisions of the company;

- Distribution of tasks among employees and related departments, strict control of compliance with deadlines for completing tasks;

- Automation of work processes to reduce the cost of working time and perform tasks more quickly. Formation of technical specifications for the IT department. Monitoring the implementation of the program and testing the results. Generating feedback;

- Development and effective implementation of internal reporting systems (reports for clients, reports for senior management);

- Maintaining and providing weekly reports.


- The return of customers who left the company increased to 15%;

- Significant reduction in the number of claims (1 claim in 2-3 months);

- Effective implementation of process automation;

- Effective work to increase customer loyalty to the brand by improving the level of service.

- Development and implementation of a new reporting system for clients on the state of the investment portfolio.

Regional Director of the Retail Sales Department

- Managing a team of 120 specialists (15 offices in Moscow);

- Sales planning;

- Weekly monitoring of the implementation of plans;

- Formation of weekly reports, sales analytics;

- Analysis of sales by division. Development of trainings to increase sales;

- Preparation of tests for product knowledge. Conducting testing, analyzing the results;

- Preparation of training materials on sales and product line,

- Conducting weekly field training of employees;

- Conducting demonstration sales in the front office customer service area;

- Conducting transactions with large clients;

- Cross selling;

- Personal coaching of the bank"s employees on sales of investment products;

- Implementation of KPIs for the implementation of investment product sales plans in the Bank"s network;

- Development and implementation of KPI implementation measures (contests for the bank"s sales network);

- Development and implementation of a new reporting system. Formation of technical specifications, joint work with the IT department for its implementation, testing and effective implementation (reporting on monitoring the implementation of sales KPIs based on Excel and 1C);


- Over-fulfillment of the sales plan by the reporting group - 120-180% (more than 350-500 million rubles);

- Cross selling was 50-60%;

- Development and implementation of a new reporting system for analyzing the implementation of KPIs for individual sales and the department as a whole.

Период работы

ноябрь 2008 — январь 2013   (4 года 3 месяца)


Deputy Head of Sales and Marketing Department (B2C)


A bank in the TOP 10 in Russia


Deputy Head of Sales and Marketing Department (B2C)

- Management of the call center team of 4 specialists;

- Building a service call center "from scratch";

- Formation of sales plans, control of their implementation;

- Development and implementation of a reporting system for conducting sales analytics;

- Create sales and product training presentations;

- Development and implementation of face-to-face sales training for Bank employees;

- Holding weekly conference calls and seminars;

- Development and implementation of a motivation system for the Bank"s employees in order to meet the Bank"s sales KPIs; for territorial directors in order to develop sales of investment products in the bank;

- Personal work to prevent claims from customers;

- Development and implementation of automation of the process of making an investment offer to the client (investment calculators, KPI execution visualization system);

- Interaction with regulatory authorities;

- Formation of weekly reports for senior management.


- Building from scratch and effectively managing a service call center;

- Development and successful implementation of investment calculators;

- A system for visualizing the implementation of plans in the Agency Network;

- Development and implementation of automated reporting;

- Career development from the position of Sales Manager to the position of Deputy Head of Sales and Marketing Department





2007 год

Учебное заведение

Penza State University


Economics and business management




2007 год

Учебное заведение

Penza State University


Translator in the economic sphere (English)

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Разговорный)

Водительские права

Категория B


Готова к командировкам

Курсы и тренинги

- 2021: "Agile", Corporate University;

- 2020: "Customer-oriented interaction with an external client", Corporate University;

"Effective communication with the client by phone", Corporate University (participation in the development of training for their employees);

- 2019: Training "Operational management of the contact center", " Apexberg";

Training "Customer focus. Service standards", Corporate University

- 2017: Certificate " Independent Financial Adviser", Institute of Financial Planning;

Certificate of a specialist in sales of life insurance programs;

- 2012: Certificate "Training of trainers", Corporate University;

- 2011: Certificates of the FSFR of Russia series 5.0 and 1.0;

- 2009: Project to increase sales SFE (Sales Force Effectiveness), Corporate University;

Training "Standards of the highest quality of service", Corporate University

Навыки и умения

Project work; Sales of banking products; Direct sales; Sales; Sales development; B2C; Sales automation; Sales management; Cross selling; Customer retention; Customer management; Customer returns; Working with the database; Competent speech; Business correspondence; Business communication; Telephone conversations; Team work; Training of specialists; Trainings; Coaching; Mentoring; Business communication; Document management; Personnel management; Team management; Working with clients; Consulting clients; Maintaining the client base; Customer orientation ; Conducting negotiations; Developing presentations; Making presentations; Delegating.

Обо мне

- Work experience in a managerial position of at least 8 years;

- Over 7 years of experience in sales;

- Experience in managing a team of 50 + specialists;

- Building a service call center "from scratch";

- Experience in implementing automation;

- Optimization of business processes;

- Effective team management and implementation of planned indicators;

- Experience in optimizing work processes;

- Experience in presenting the company"s products and advising clients;

- Successful direct sales experience;

- Experience working with large amounts of data;

- Maintaining customer service quality standards;

- Experience in effectively solving complex and conflict situations;

- Competent prioritization;

- Initiative;

- High discipline and responsibility for the results of work; independence in decision-making; pronounced organizational skills; the ability to delegate authority and control the execution of decisions; high efficiency; consistency;

- Analytical skills, structured thinking.

PC user; CRM; 1C; MS Office, Z-front. Advanced user of PPoint and MS Excel. Training employees to work in MS Excel (created a training channel in youtube to train their employees).


от 75 000 руб.


Шеф повар

от 200 000 руб.



от 70 000 руб.


Логист, менеджер по снабжению, кладовщик, экспедитор

от 35 000 руб.


Администратор в медицинской клинике

от 40 000 руб.



от 15 000 руб.



от 3 500 руб.


Водитель экспедитор



Машинист бетононасоса



Педагог по музыке

