Finance Director

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Москва, м. Медведково

Заработная плата

от 400 000 руб.

График работы

Полный рабочий день / Сменный график / Гибкий график




Опыт работы

16 лет 10 месяцев






45 лет   (19 мая 1979)

Опыт работы

Период работы

июнь 2019 — по настоящее время   (5 лет 9 месяцев)


Financial director


JSC "Pipeline systems and technologies", LLC "NefteGazKomplekt"


• Production company with 2 billion turnover and 150 people staff.

• Responsibilities:

• Supervised the work of 6 accountants.

• A week before employment (there was part-time job which resulted invitation to a regular place of work) realized all the wishes of the shareholders, the general director and his deputies:

• Implemented the daily PL- profit and loss statement -representation and annual forecast to the head, BS - balance sheet, CF - cash flow statement and forecast, IEB - income and expense budget, payment calendar, payment schedule, receivables and payables` report for partners / contracts / documents. All reports and budgets for a month of 10 years period.

• Implemented financial and project modeling, tax planning and optimization.

• Implemented a daily automated audit of all accounting segment for a month of last and current years in order to eliminate errors daily at the stage of their occurrence.

• Implemented the control of new contracts with new partners with the calculation of the profitability of a contract, assessment of financial indicators of counterparties. Prevented the conclusion of loss-making contracts.

• Successfully put into practice the concept of lean manufacturing triply - Lean four Systems.

• Financial result of company is significantly improved.

Период работы

июнь 2017 — май 2019   (2 года)


Deputy general director for finance and economics


LLC "Smith-Yartsevo". (Smith - building materials and technology). Production of PFA pipelines, pipes and shaped product


• Two manufacturing companies with 5 billion turnover and more than 500 people. Supervised the work of three departments consisting of 25 people - accounting; planning and economic department; Treasury Department.

• Implemented the daily PL- profit and loss statement -representation and annual forecast to the head, BS - balance sheet, CF - cash flow statement and forecast, IEB - income and expense budget, payment calendar, payment schedule, receivables and payables` report for partners / contracts / documents. All reports and budgets for a month of the two legal entities (separately and consolidated) and groups of companies.

• Implemented financial and project modeling, tax planning and optimization.

• Implemented a daily automated audit of all accounting segment for a month of last year and current years in order to eliminate errors daily at the stage of their occurrence.

• Implemented the control of new contracts with new partners, including calculation the profitability of a contract, assessment of financial indicators of counterparties. Prevented conclusion of loss-making contracts.

• Implemented factoring, bank guarantees, refinanced loans at lower interest rate, received loans, project financing.

• Developed accounting policies for accounting and tax accounting. Internal regulations and orders.

• Successfully put into practice the concept of lean manufacturing - Lean four Systems.

• Significantly improved financial results - about 200 million per year.

Reason of leaving: the termed contract, for 12 months, with leaving for city Yartsevo, Smolensky region, was over.

Период работы

октябрь 2015 — март 2017   (1 год 6 месяцев)


Financial Manager (solely) - Financial director


CJSC "KMKI "Dobryninsky". Group of production and distribution companies: confectionery, distribution companies (franchi


• A group of companies of 77 legal entities with 3 billion turnover and more than 500 employees. Supervised the work of 20 chief accountants.

• Audited 77 legal entities, and basing the results reinstated accounting in 19 legal entities.

• "From scratch" Implemented budgets and reports (PL - statement of financial results (SFR); BS - balance; CF - cash flow report (Cash Flow Budget); accounts receivable/liabilities of 77 legal entities, for month upwards the foundation, separately for 77 legal entities and consolidated for the group of companies.

• Created a mechanism of detailed interpretation of articles / sub-articles / indicators of the balance sheet and the statement of financial results for long-term lending by banks by means of decryption by quarter, by month, with the transformation of RAS and IFRS.

• Successfully put into practice the concept of lean manufacturing. Introduced financial and project modeling, tax planning and optimization.

• Reduced monthly costs by 20 million - 240 million per year, respectively.

Reason of leaving: increase of supervised legal entities 3.5 times more (from 21 to 77) upwards the placement without increase of salary.

Период работы

ноябрь 2011 — декабрь 2014   (3 года 2 месяца)


Internal auditor


LLC Trading House "BIBLIO-GLOBUS". Large book store


• Legal entity with a billion turnover and more than 500 employees. Controlled the work of 14 heads of departments and their deputies.

• Conducted audit of all segments of the accounting and management units, due diligence investigation, examination of contracts, international economic activity, pricing, risk assessment. Revealed and corrected disruptions, minimized tax and financial risks. Compiled audit reports and submitted to managers. Participated in inventories. Advised managers on complicated issues. Supervised the implementation of recommendations.

• Implicated about 100 automatic operational, managerial, accounting and tax reports and documents in a foreign ERP system: cards, statements, inventories, forms, reports, declarations.

• Conducted IT audit for relevance and compliance with the growing requirements of PCs, cross-connect and server equipment, LCN and SKS.

• Provided uninterrupted record keeping in all segments - replaced chief accountants during their search or within sick leave - kept records, compiled and submitted reports, successfully defended tax disputes about more than 20 million.

Reason of leaving: Change of General director, whose subordinate I had been, new system of salaries.

Период работы

сентябрь 2010 — июнь 2011   (10 месяцев)


Internal auditor


LLC "Saulit-Engineering". Management company for manufacturers of oil and gas industry equipment.


• Group of production, design, and marketing companies consisting of 5 legal entities with 5 billion turnover and more than 2000 employees. Temporary project during transferring the accounting to 1C 8.2: "Management of a manufacturing enterprise" ("УПП").

• Conducted audit of all segments of the accounting and management units, due diligence investigation, examination of contracts, reconciliation statements, international economic activity and pricing. Compiled audit reports and submitted to managers.

• Supervised and analyzed the status of receivables and payables.

• Advised chief accountants, monitored the implementation of recommendations.

• Decoded reports, prepared packages of documents for receiving of bank guarantees.

• Made checks with identification and correction of violations, corrected accounting of previous periods for 3 years. Reduced receivables and payables by 1.8 billion. Successfully completed the planned transition from 1C 7.7 to 1C 8.2: "Management of a manufacturing enterprise" ("УПП").

Reason of leaving: successful accomplishment of project.

Период работы

май 2009 — июнь 2010   (1 год 2 месяца)


Internal auditor


"Volgaburmash-Group" management company of manufacturers the drilling equipment for oil and gas industry.


• Volgaburmash OJSC, Uralburmash OJSC, Sarapul Machine-Building Plant OJSC, Drogobych Chisel Plant OJSC, Samara Tank Plant OJSC with more than 15 billion turnover and more than 20 thousand employees.

• Conducted audit of the accounting and preparation of financial and tax reporting, due diligence, and risk assessment for subsidiaries and affiliates of VBM-group of companies (production, construction, hotels and sports complexes, business centers, rental and maintenance of real estate).

• Identified violations in accounting and taxation management. FEA.

• Advised chief accountants, monitored the implementation of audit recommendations.

• Evaluated effectiveness of the implementation the control procedures.

• Developed internal regulatory documents. Accompanied audit and tax audits.

• Prepared financial reporting for lending institution.

• Assisted in staging the internal audit department from scratch. After due diligence, new types of business were acquired for the benefit of the company,

Reason of leaving: change of owner, he became a Senator, As a result there was total change of administrative and managerial staff.

Период работы

ноябрь 2006 — май 2009   (2 года 7 месяцев)


Chief Accountant of 4 legal entities with the functions of financial director


Representative office of company "VOX" in Russia. Production, wholesale and retail trade in construction and finish mate


• A group of 15 foreign construction manufacturing enterprises specialized on production of materials "from the foundation to the roof ridge". Temporary project - establishment of VOX representative offices in Russia. Coordinated the work of 80 employees.

• Made statement of accounting and tax management and management accounting in 4 legal entities of the Group of companies. Introduced tax and financial planning, due diligence, Receivables and payables control. Compiled and provided reporting to the founders.

• Participated in strategic planning. Negotiated at various levels. FEA.

• Compiled and submitted reports to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, statistics on general tax regime, simplified system of taxation, single tax on imputed income.

• Interacted with auditors, tax authorities during inspections and disputes.

• Automated and set up accounting and reporting in 4 legal entities of holding company from scratch in short term. Brought the company to the expected criteria.

Reason of leaving: successful accomplishment of project.



Среднее специальное


1998 год

Учебное заведение

Smolensk College of Electronic Devices


Computers, complexes, systems and networks




2004 год

Учебное заведение

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Accounting and audit

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Технический)

Водительские права

Категории A, B, C


Готов к командировкам

Курсы и тренинги

Certificate of financial director. International Association of Certified Accountants. 2014

MBA. Management of innovative production (Lean four Systems). International Business School. 2014

Certificate of Certified Professional Chief Accountant. Institute of Advanced Studies of the Audit Chamber of Russia. 2010

Certificate of Professional Chief Accountant. Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia. 2010

Навыки и умения

Computer skills: expert.

• Creating dashboards. Power BI Desktop: Power Query, PowerPivot, Power View. PLEX.

• Creating macros, programs in VBA, data cubes, pivot tables, multi-level formulas of working with the database.

• 1C 7.7, 8.2, 8.3 (enterprise accounting, simplified system of taxation, ERP enterprise management 2, ERP Holding Management, corporation, integrated automation 2, construction management (УСО), construction, trade management, retail, Salary and HR Management, restaurant). Navision. Parus. SAP R/3. Oracle StoreHouse. R-Keeper.

• Grand Estimate; ArchiCad

• Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, Project. Photoshop.

• Programs for the preparation and submission of electronic reporting Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, statistics.

• Consultant Plus, Garant. Programs for submitting electronic reporting. Client-Bank.

Professional skills:

• Management Accounting. Experience in maintaining all segments of accounting and

tax accounting, preparation of accounting, tax and management reporting of large companies with types of activity: trade, installation and construction works, production, services, catering.

• Balance sheet, statement of financial results, income and expense budget, Cash Flow Budget. Budgeting. Plan-fact analysis. Analysis of dynamics and structure.

• Preparation of consolidated statements and its interpretation by articles and legal entities.

• Pricing, planning, forecasting. Tax optimization.

• Calculation of key financial ratios (liquidity, profitability, creditworthiness, financial stability, etc.).

• Analysis of contracts, assessment of tax and financial risks.

• Preparation and submission of reports Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, statistics. Transformation of RAS reporting to IFRS.

• Successful tax audits, external audits, tax advocacy disputes.

• Excellent knowledge in the field of Russian Accounting Standards, Tax Code, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, taxation systems: general tax regime, simplified system of taxation, single tax on imputed income.

Additional comments:

• Responsible, painstaking, accurate, sociable.

• Physical and mathematical abilities, analytical mindset,

• Ability to work with large amount of information and conduct analysis, reasonable defense of own position.

• No bad habits.


Повар заготовщик

от 35 000 руб.


Помощник адвоката

от 35 000 руб.



от 15 000 руб.



от 30 000 руб.



от 30 000 руб.





Учитель русского языка и литературы



Администратор в школу

от 50 000 руб.


Семейный водитель

от 70 000 руб.


Водитель автомобиля (кат. В)

от 100 000 руб.
